
Employment Guarantee Scheme Branch

Employment Guarantee Scheme Branch

Under the Employment Guarantee Scheme branch, work is done under MNREGA and water scarcity. 
The implementation and monitoring of the MNREGA scheme is done. 
Also, under water scarcity, similar work is done to eliminate water scarcity, such as implementing water scarcity prevention programs, preparing water scarcity action plans.

This involves providing employment in rural areas through the scheme, where development works are executed by the workers, creating sources of employment.

Water Scarcity Remediation:
Activities related to water scarcity are implemented. Various measures are taken to alleviate water scarcity, such as conducting water scarcity remediation programs.

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

The basic objective of MGNREGS is to create productive asset by guaranteed wage employment of at least 100 days in a financial year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.

The scheme focuses on employment of rural farmers/agricultural labourers by providing social security, empowering women and weaker sections, and strengthening Panchayat Raj Institutions.

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)

Salient Features of MGNREGS

    • The Central Government guarantees of at least 100 days employment in a financial year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. The Government of Maharashtra guarantees unskilled employment to labourers over and above 100 days.
    • Every household residing in any rural area is entitled to a Job Card which contains the names and photographs of all adult members of the household so that they can demand and receive work. The Job Card is a key document that records job seekers details of work demanded and received wages, paid etc..
    • Every adult member of a registered household whose name appears in the job card is entitled to demand and apply through multiple modes for unskilled manual work under the Scheme at Gram panchayat and work will be provided within fifteen days of demand or application.
    • In case, the work is not allotted within due period, the wage seeker is entitled to have the unemployment allowance as per norms of MGRNEGS.
    • The Gram Panchayat is responsible for identification of the projects in the Gram Panchayat area to be taken up under a Scheme as per the recommendations of the Gram Sabha. Every Adult member of rural household have a right to participate in the Gram Sabha and decide the works and the order of priority to be taken up under MGNREGS for their Panchayat.
    • The worker has to be allocated to a worksite preferably within 5 km of her/ his residence. Work has to be definitely provided within the Block. If work is allocated to a worker beyond 5 km of his residence, the worker has a right to get a travel allowance.
    • For all works taken up under the Scheme, by the Gram Panchayats and other implementing agencies, the cost of material component including the wages of the skilled and semi-skilled workers shall not exceed forty percent at the District level.
    • As far as practicable, works executed by the programme implementing agencies shall be performed by using manual labour and no labour displacing machines shall be used.
    • There are 266 combinations of works which are permissible under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. For the list of approved MGNREGS works please click here .
    • At least 60% of the works to be taken up in a district in terms of cost shall be for creation of productive assets directly linked to agriculture and allied activities through development of land, water and trees. With the thrust on development of livelihoods,
    • Works prioritised in the convergent planning process for individual beneficiaries will be given priority.
    • Works creating individual assets will be prioritised on land or homestead owned by households belonging to the:
      • Schedule Caste
      • Schedule Tribes
      • Nomadic Tribes
      • De-notified Tribes
      • Other families below the poverty line
      • Women-headed households
      • Physically handicapped headed households
      • Beneficiaries of land reforms
      • The beneficiaries under the IAY/PMAY-Gramin
    • The facilities of safe drinking water, shade for children and periods of rest, first aid box with adequate material for emergency treatment for minor injuries at the work site.
    • The worker is entitled to receive the notified wage rate within 15 days and failure to receive in due time further entitled to receive the payment of compensation at the rate of 0.05% of the unpaid wages per day of delay beyond the sixteenth day of closure of muster roll.
    • Grievance readdressed mechanisms which allow a worker/citizen to lodge complaint and trace the subsequent response. Multiple modes are enabled for the complainant to register a complaint and include written complaints, toll free help line and online grievance registration portal and mobile application.


Key Works under MGNREGA in Pune

Under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), a total of 266 works are coordinated, out of which 11 works are primarily in demand in Pune district. These works are as follows:

A. Horticulture Development (Fruit Gardens)
Under MGNREGA, the promotion of fruit gardens is encouraged, which helps provide employment in rural areas and economically empowers farmers. Combining fruit cultivation with traditional farming makes agriculture more sustainable.

    1. Fruit Varieties: Mango, 2) Cashew, 3) Chickoo, 4) Guava, 5) Jamun, 6) Orange, 7) Mosambi, 8) Paper Lemon, 9) Coconut, 10) Jujube, 11) Custard Apple, 12) Amla, 13) Tamarind (developed varieties), 14) Bael, 15) Java Plum, 16) Kokum, 17) Jackfruit, 18) Fig, 19) Betel nut, 20) Bamboo, 21) Sago Palm, 22) Jatropha, 23) Geranium, 24) Curry leaf, 25) Neem, 26) Sindhi, 27) Moringa, 28) Hadiya, 29) Betel leaf, 30) Banana (3 years), 31) Dragonfruit, 32) Avocado, 33) Grapes, 34) Sandalwood, 35) Khaaya, 36) Neem, 37) Charoli, 38) Mahogany, 39) Acacia, 40) Anjan, 41) Kher, 42) Palm, 43) Bamboo, 44) Rubber, 45) Maharu, 46) Manjium, 47) Melia Dubia, 48) Mulberry, 49) Aina, 50) Shisav, 51) Eucalyptus, 52) Subabul, 53) Shemi, 54) Mahua, 55) Gulmohar, 56) Bukan Nib, 57) Chinar, 58) Sirish, 59) Karvand.
    2. Flower Plants: 1) Rose, 2) Mogra, 3) Nishigandha, 4) Sonchafa.
    3. Medicinal Plants: 1) Arjun, 2) Asan, 3) Ashoka, 4) Behda, 5) Hirda, 6) Bel, 7) Tetu, 8) Dikemali, 9) Red sandalwood, 10) Reetha, 11) Lodhra, 12) Aina, 13) Shivan, 14) Guggul, 15) Bibba, 16) Karanj.
    4. Spice Crops: 1) Cloves, 2) Cinnamon, 3) Pepper, 4) Nutmeg.
      These long-term fruit gardens, flower plants, medicinal plants, spice crops, intercropping, and boundary tree planting provide sustainable and long-term income to rural communities.
    5. Implementation Authorities: Agriculture Department (Taluka Agricultural Officer), Gram Panchayat (Group Development Officer).

B. Cattle Shed/ Goat/ Poultry Farming

    1. Most farmers keep cattle, buffaloes, hens, or goats as a supplementary business for their agriculture. The primary objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to farmers for the construction of permanent sheds for their animals.
    2. Protecting animals from the summer, monsoon, and winter seasons, and empowering farmers by providing financial assistance for self-reliance.
    3. Implementation Authorities: Gram Panchayat (Block Development Officer).

C. Irrigation Wells and Well Recharge

    1. MGNREGA enables works like digging irrigation wells for agriculture. To increase water storage in wells, well recharge (recharge) and work like Jal Tara (water conservation methods) are undertaken, ensuring the availability of water.
    2. Implementation Authorities: Gram Panchayat (Block Development Officer).

D. Sericulture (Silk Production)

    1. Under MGNREGA, a plan is implemented to develop the sericulture industry. This includes promoting mulberry plantation, insect farming, and cocoon production. Farmers are encouraged to cultivate mulberry trees and rear silkworms, which creates rural employment and provides farmers with additional income.
    2. Implementation Authorities: Sericulture Department (Tehsildar), Gram Panchayat (Block Development Officer).

E. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)

    1. MGNREGA and PMAY (Rural) work together to help rural people get permanent houses. People without homes or those living in damaged/dilapidated houses can participate in this scheme, gaining the opportunity to work under MGNREGA to support the construction of their homes. Beneficiaries receive 90-95 days of labour under MGNREGA for construction. Financial assistance is also provided for rural home construction.
    2. Implementation Authorities: Gram Panchayat (Block Development Officer).

F. Tree Plantation (Bamboo Plantation, Mahogany, Bihar Pattern)

    1. Bamboo planting increases rural income and helps with environmental protection. Bamboo is seen as a solution for combating climate change due to its rapid growth. Mahogany plantation is beneficial for timber production and environmental benefits.
    2. Implementation Authorities: Agriculture Department (Taluka Agricultural Officer), Gram Panchayat (Block Development Officer), Social Forestry Department (Forest Range Officer).

G. Soak Pit Construction

    1. Under MGNREGA, constructing soak pits is an important task that helps improve water management and sanitation in rural areas. Soak pits help in reducing water stagnation and conserving water resources. It contributes to better sanitation and reduces waterborne diseases.
    2. Implementation Authorities: Gram Panchayat (Block Development Officer).

H. Road Construction

    1. This includes the construction of paved roads, internal village roads, and related infrastructure like side drains and gutters. Rural roads are constructed to ensure connectivity for remote villages and rural production centres throughout the year.
    2. Implementation Authorities: Gram Panchayat (Block Development Officer).

I. Nursery Development (Establishment of Plant Nurseries)

    1. Establishing nurseries for tree plantation is important for forest conservation, soil conservation, and water management, and contributes to rural employment generation.
    2. Implementation Authorities: Social Forestry Department (Forest Range Officer), Forest Department (Forest Range Officer).

J. Individual Household Latrine Construction (IHHL)

    1. Promoting the construction of toilets in rural areas for sanitation, including household toilets, school toilets, and community sanitation units.
    2. Implementation Authorities: Gram Panchayat (Block Development Officer).

K. Nadep Compost/ Vermicomposting (Worm Composting)

    1. Construction of Nadep compost pits for managing organic waste, which benefits soil health and promotes environmental sustainability in rural areas. Also, encouraging the establishment of vermicomposting units, which enhance soil productivity and support sustainable farming.
    2. Implementation Authorities: Agriculture Department (Taluka Agricultural Officer).


Water scarcity leads to people being deprived of drinking water. To address water scarcity, various measures are implemented, such as conducting water scarcity mitigation programs and preparing action plans for water scarcity.

The following works are undertaken in relation to water scarcity:

  1. Submission of Drought Plan: Submit the drought plan to the office of the Honourable Divisional Commissioner.
  2. Approval of Budget under Drought: Granting administrative approval for the estimates related to drought management.
  3. Private Tanker Tendering for Water Supply: Taking action for inviting tenders for private tankers for water supply.
  4. Provision of Government Tankers: Arranging for the provision of government tankers for water supply.
  5. Action on Drought-related Petitions: Taking necessary actions on petitions received regarding drought-related issues.
  6. Providing Tankers for Palakhi Ceremony: Arranging for tankers for water supply during the Palakhi ceremony.
  7. Providing Government and Private Tankers as per Demand in Drought-Affected Areas and Talukas: Ensuring the availability of both government and private tankers as per the demand in drought-affected areas and talukas.
  8. Implementation of Measures Directed by Senior Offices: Implementing the measures as directed by senior offices related to water scarcity.